
Sunday, March 6, 2016

So Exactly What Happened?

So, as promised in my posting two days ago, Exactly What Happened? Why did I stop writing this blog? Where did we go for over a year?

The readers who know us personally  know exactly what happened, but those of you who follow us from around the world that have never personally met us have no idea why one day, we were here, and the next day...nothing for over a year.

Right before my final posting over a year ago, Mom met someone. And that someone...well, let's just say Mom should really just stay out of the dating game, because Mom is just NOT good at it.

As a result of that relationship, The Crew was left with no income because Mom lost her job as a result of "someone's" issues, and left homeless because Mom had to leave that relationship and had no income to pay the bills with anyways. We ended up living in a hotel for a little while before landing somewhat on our feet again in a town about twenty minutes from where we had been, with the help of family and friends.

Also as a result of that relationship, we welcomed The King into the world on November 10, 2015. Kai and Taryn are now the proud older brothers of a bubbly, healthy little boy.

During this "missing" year from our blog, we had a lot of other things happen, too.

Taryn was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and hypoglycemia. He is also undergoing genetic testing at the moment.

Kai underwent that tibial torsion surgery on December 1, 2015. We had a lot of ups and downs with that, which you can read about on our FB page, Life With Kyle, which we started in October 2015.

Taryn and I were in a car accident on December 22, 2015. We were hit by a semi truck on our way to Taryn's geneticist. We're still in recovery from that, with Mom in physical therapy and potentially needing further help with my shoulder and back.

Kai is now in Kindergarten and doing very well. His teacher and I communicate on a near-daily basis via notes in his agenda back and forth, and I adore the staff at his school. Mr. F, his assistant Principal, is one of Kai's all time favorite people. Mrs. K, his teacher, is wonderful with him. Kai has even made two very close friends, K and M. He's also learning to advocate for himself and not afraid to talk to people about his issues. He is still very sensitive about his scars, and struggles to understand what he's done when his classmates get upset with him- he has very little understanding of social rules and acceptable behavior, and this often causes problems for him with his peers. He's also been diagnosed with Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) and formally diagnosed and in treatment for ADHD, and we've found he's dyslexic, which has caused some ridicule in class from his peers as he struggles with things they find easy. Kai is mainstreamed, as we felt it would be a disservice to him to stick him in special ed- he struggles, but is too bright for the work he would receive in a special ed setting.

Taryn was given developmental and intelligence testing in October and was scored in the top 2% of the population for his age group intelligence-wise. He's very bright and I look forward to his school experience starting next year.

The King is a bubbly, healthy baby who is the unequivocal ruler of the house at the moment. He is developing on target, and is wonderfully healthy. He is Mom's first full-term baby and the first to not need an extended hospital stay. He was released when I was, and has only needed the usual well-child check ups. Even at just barely four months old, The King has a personality and is lots of fun!

So, now those of you who don't personally know us are all caught up on just where in the heck we went for over a year except for the things that I don't feel comfortable discussing. (We're very open, but there are some things that are not up for discussion.) We don't plan to disappear again! We're very excited to welcome you to the new edition of our family blog and hope you enjoy the journey! 

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