
Friday, November 8, 2013

This Isn't Covered in the Manual

My three year-old woke up at six am and almost immediately started crying. It took me three hours to find out why.

He couldn't stand up.

He tried and tried and failed.

He spent most of the day on the couch, because his legs wouldn't cooperate at all. I.spent my day with a migraine, a screaming eighteen month old, insurance problems, a flooded bathroom, and the soundtrack of a heartbroken three year-old.

This evening I heard him call himself a bad boy, a stupid boy because he couldn't stand. He cried to me "It not fair Mom! I wanna walk too!"

He's right. It's not fair. And I so wish I knew what to say to him but I don't.

There is no parenting book for this. There's not even a section in a parenting book for this. His doctors don't even know what to say-they've never met a child with all the issues he has rolled into one four foot, thirty pound ball of angry little boy.

Because I don't know what else to do, I let him rage. I let him sob his heart out, take his anger out in tears, because I cannot kiss his hurt and make it better. This is an owie I can't reach, the beginning of more to come I'm sure. He's a tough kid but no one is that tough.

There's no manual for this.

I'm starting to think someone needs to write one.