
Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Learning Process

You know what the nice thing is about having an entire weekend to devote just to my sweet Byrd? I mean, besides the "only having one kid to handle" thing.

I get to learn things about him I don't notice when he's with his brother.

Like, I know a lot about Kai. A LOT. Kai had two whole years of Mom to himself-I know that kid like the back of my hand. I know that he looks like me, but personalities seem to be inherited, because he has his father's. He's smart, and funny, and very mechanical. And has a temper that would make Hades cringe if you set him off. I know his favorite color is yellow, and that he likes Yoohoo. I know Mater is his favorite Cars character, and he's terrified of Big Bird. I can rattle off his medical history in a minute flat. I could write a book on what I know about my three year old.

Now, of course, this doesn't mean I know nothing about Taryn. I know he's allergic to nuts, and his lungs aren't the greatest and never have been, and that he has to sleep sitting up when he's sick or he can't breathe. I know he loves Thomas the Train, and that he's very mischievous. I know he looks so much like his father, but doesn't act a thing like him. I know his temper could make Hades cringe too, but he doesn't have the hair-trigger like his big brother and father. I know that he has to have his Scout Puppy to sleep, and that if you change his bedtime routine in any way at all, he won't go to bed.

So what have I learned that I didn't know before?

I never knew how much like ME he really is.

I've learned that, while he'll eat chocolate, he'll take fruit over it every time. Just like his mom. I've learned that he really does love to read. Where he won't often sit still for a story with Kai, today he took a book off their shelf and sat on the floor, looking at and studying every page like he was trying to memorize it (never mind that he can't read). He even had the same look of concentration I'm told I have when I'm reading. I've noticed that, though he'll sit in one spot longer than his brother will, like me, he can't stand to sit still-he's always moving somehow. Whether he's tapping his fingers or wiggling his feet or nodding his head, Taryn is never really still.

Yesterday, I took him to the dollar store and bought him a ball. It's just a ball, but that kid is so excited over it. He spent two hours this morning chasing it around the living room, bringing it back to me to have me throw it again and again for him to chase.

And his favorite thing to do, apparently, you ask? Climb up on my lap, put his head on my shoulder, and just watch whatever I'm doing. Whether it's my schoolwork, a blog post, or a movie, he wants to participate with me.

And that floors me. Because Kai never showed much interest in what I was doing. And Taryn...Byrd wants to be with and like his Mommy.

And I never realized that until there was no Kai at home for a day or two to hoard my attention for himself.

I think we really need to work on that. I'm enjoying learning more about my baby.

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